Thursday, September 8, 2016

Feels Like Fall.

Cool mornings and short evenings, I love this time of year.  The season of new schedules and new routines are welcomed structure in our house.  September marks the final stretch of the year and inspires me to reset and evaluate personal and family goals.  The realities of real life also remind me of the importance of being flexible and open, contrary to my own timeline. 

I love the perspective of Dallas Clayton, an artist, author and illustrator of children’s books.

The beginning is often the most inspiring.  The beginning of a new season, new school year, new challenge, new adventure, they all bring similar energy.  They invite fresh and new opportunity. 

And then there’s the middle, where most of life happens.  It’s easy to remain optimistic in the beginning and possess inspiring hindsight wisdom near the end but it's in the mess of the middle where we find our real work.

We are working on all sorts of things around here these days. Right now, the middle for us is found in bedtime routine, nighttime habits (staying in our own bed) and potty charts.  They consume much of our energy and discussion as we navigate the tough conversation around what is and what is not working.

As we celebrate the big and little progress along the way, I’m mindful of the temporary nature of this season in life and how precious time is.  I’m learning to embrace it more.

One of our family goals this Fall is to work on our evening time together.  A piece of this includes being more intentional about the time we spend on our phones or in front of a screen in the evening.  This is a tough one for all of us.  I’m appreciating the extra time it has allowed for us to be together and transition more smoothly at bedtime. 

When we have the right mindset, a support system for growth, and grace for ourselves in the process, we have greater opportunity to learn something that will make the difference.  SO much easier said than done.  It's hard work with a lot of intention and resilience when things get tough.

How are we pushing ourselves to learn from other people who inspire us to live better? I believe opportunity is greatly influenced by who we surround ourselves with for support and inspiration.  This year, I’ve been thinking a lot about my life curriculum and what I’m choosing in books, podcasts, and face-to-face interaction with people who inspire me. There are so many options available when we allow time for it, some of my favorite books and podcasts right now are:

Whether you are starting something new and exciting or find yourself in the messy middle of it all, you are not alone.  I’d love to hear about what’s inspiring you these days.