Thursday, February 7, 2013


I complain about the overindulgent square footage of this home, too open, too spread out for the four of us. When I imagine us living somewhere else the house is smaller (but there are always plenty of windows). This house has an abundance of space; it shouldn’t feel so closed in.  However, the noise and constant activity of life at home with two small kiddos can make everything seem too close.  I find myself feeling crazy as I look for ways to create more space around me.   

The busy spinning inside blurs my view.  I think it comes from not knowing how to be quiet and slow down, be still, be present in the moment.  Thank goodness for all the windows in here.

As I sit alone, this spot on our couch becomes a peaceful retreat for me.  Large glass windows align the northeast side of our home, giving the feeling of being outside.  It's not long before I realize this peace comes from the quiet and still, fixed presence of trees among the northwest landscape.  A feeling of infinite space and distance provide me the perspective I need, my moment from the constant motion. 

There’s an anchor for me in this view from my couch, a steadiness as I navigate through the every day tides of life.  This year, I’m working on creating more of these moments. I heard something this week that resonated with me: “simplicity and clarity lead to power”.  And as I learn to turn off the noise, silencing myself to listen, I begin to see the strength and potential of my ability to influence the view.